Friday, June 30, 2023


The Amish and the Benefits of Stoicism

This  and this  are interesting videos that look into the lives of the Amish  (there are several other ones as well). 

I could probably never pull off such a lifestyle. For one thing, I’m not particularly religious, though I can respect those who have faith in a stabilizing belief system.

I admire these people. To be sure, they no doubt encounter the same difficulties that occur in human relations and personal failing among all of us, but…

Generally speaking, I’m impressed by what I see as decent people and decent living. They really do seem to adhere to standards of living that are light on modern distractions but rich in simpler things.  Amazingly, they seem to have pulled off a legitimate communal sense (responsible assistance to friends and neighbors) without the ugly aftertaste of imposed state run communalism or cold ideological commands to obey administrative hierarchies. 

Decades ago, many among the “hippie” movement would say, “If it feels good, do it.”  ‘Sounds reasonable. The Epicurian cultivation of pleasure is as old as the cave, but it’s no way to run a civilization. “Man [and, of course, woman] does not live by [Id] alone.”  No one can say they are immune to the lure of indulgence but it’s clear that the most satisfied among us know when to restrain impulse and recognize the value of disciplined restraint.

Old virtues may be seen by many as untimely to present circumstance but simple things like hard work, self-educating (reading), and perception of the world as a place with meaning are clearly better ways to live than our current equivalent of junk food for the soul.

Living a simple life isn’t for everyone, but leading a decent life should be. Virtue is…virtuous.

The pursuit of knowledge and beauty, measured progress, and balance in worldly affairs need not only be the values of old Classic Greek and Roman philosophers,… or farmers in Ohio and Pennsylvania. 


As somewhat of an aside. The film, “The Village.  is brilliant in addressing the difficulty in trying to protect each other from the horrors of modern living. 

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